Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jordan's Video

Here is Jordan's video about Sweatshops. A good listen.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lucy and Tegan's Assessment

At last!
You wont believe how long it has taken me to format the original copy into a lower quality version that is small enough to be uploaded onto Youtube and then this blog. However, its here and a really neat example of how taking assessment criteria, knowledge and the Key Competencies Skills of Imagination, Collaboration and Reasoning, two students were able to make something quite astounding.

Here is the speech, sorry for the sound quality as I couldn't move away from the power outlet as the battery was flat, doh!

Here is an AWESOME website which the students self taught themselves how to create a wesite, and used the assessment criteria along with imagination / collaboration and reasoning.

Thanks Mr K

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Year 12 Geo: Mr Knapton

Homework: Questions 1-8 on the handout for next Friday. Ta

10G Homework

Ah yes, you are possibly all typing away frantically to get your questionnaires completed by tomorrow. Just a reminder that they are due tomorrow!

Mr K

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Year 10 Social Studies: Mr Knapton


We will be completing our second assessment in class soon, the topic will be on sweatshops. You have two options for the assessment:

Option one: Your task is to expose the truth about working in these factories.

Option two: Your task is to answer the question theDeveloping World Needs More Sweatshops’. You can choose the standpoint of your argument (for or against).

Here are several related videos about sweatshops, we will watch some of them in class but not all of them!

Against sweatshops Videos:

For sweatshops videos / article:

We will discuss the assessment criteria and how you can present your presentation in class. There is heaps more information available to you if you go to the library OR do more research on the internet. A book called NO LOGO by Naomi Klein might be a hard read but a great challenge.

Good luck

Mr K

Year 13 Geo: Mr Knapton

You have your first Practice Exam on Thur and Fri. We looked at what it will be on. Get revising!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

10G Mr Knapton: How big is your carbon footprint?

How many kilos of Carbon does your home emit in a month? Who is the most green in 10G? Who has a carbon footprint of a giant?

Check out this site and calculate your footprint. You will have to ask your folks for approximate costs / petrol usage and maybe look at some power bills too.

Where do you fit into the wall of shame?

Due 1st lesson next week.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

9R Mr Johnson

Watch this video regarding Relief Rainfall in New Zealand and describe the Rainfall Process. Be sure to include how the rain process begins, what type of forest is located in New Zealand, and the rain process on the windward and the leeward sides of New Zealand.

10R Mr Johnson

Watch this video about Pol Pot and make notes on the type of man he was.

Due last lesson next week.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Year 11 Geography: Mr Knapton and Mr Johnson

Hi folks,

You are studying the effects of the Mt Ruapehu eruption and have studied the tectonic processes that made the Mt Ruapehu eruption. Watch the video below:

Also look at these links by clicking on each of the following words Mt Ruapehu eruption 1995

In 2-3 weeks you will sit a PRACTICE EXAM that will be on Tectonic Processes that produced Mt Ruapehu and the Social / Economic and Environmental effects. To look at the types of questions you might get asked, have a look at the previous exams for this Achievement Standard (902902).

Good luck

Mr Knapton

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mr Knapton - 10G

Hi folks,

I don't believe you focussed on this last year in year 9, so we are going to do a little project this term.
For homework I want you to turn your attention to FOOD MILES. For this homework, I want you to collect the packaging of food you would eat during a week. The packaging will tell us the country where the food was produced. You must bring this packaging to our first lesson next week.

I also want you to do some research on GLOBAL WARMING, so you will need to find the answers to the following questions (there are hyper-links included, but feel free to find out more):
1) What is Global Warming?
2) How is Global Warming caused by humans?
3) What is the difference between the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming?
Summarise the for and against arguments for Human caused Global Warming. Explain where you stand in the global warming debate.

Come with YOUR answers in our first lesson next week, DON'T come to class with printed off answers or copied and pasted work that you can't call your own.

Have fun

Mr K

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mr Knapton yr 12 Geography


You are going to spend upto 2 lessons creating a claymation. This is an animation (moving pictures / models) using CLAY or in this case PLASTICENE and a DIGITAL CAMERA. Your animation will show how TECTONIC PROCESSES have produced VOLCANOES in the TVC.
Your TASK:
1. Consider how you might create a CLAYATION animation. What colours will you need?
2. Make some plasticene (play dough) use this recipe.
3. Bring in a digital camera to help you.
THUR and FRI (11th and 12th will be the lessons we are doing it)

Any problems see Mr K!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mr Knapton yr 13 Geography

Hi folks,

We are focussing on looking at the size and extent of the Mt Maunganui Geographic area. You DREW a sketch in class, this was an outline. FOR MONDAY NEXT WEEK (8th), you are going to be given a test. You will have to draw a sketch map of your chosen area (Mt Maunganui), you will be marked out of 5 / 5 for 1. ACCURACY 2. TITLE 3. KEY 4. COMPASS 5. SCALE. You know little about things you might include in the map for the purposes of a key. So you will have to learn some NATURAL FEATURES in the area (google Any problems, see me Mr K.
