Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mr Knapton - 10G

Hi folks,

I don't believe you focussed on this last year in year 9, so we are going to do a little project this term.
For homework I want you to turn your attention to FOOD MILES. For this homework, I want you to collect the packaging of food you would eat during a week. The packaging will tell us the country where the food was produced. You must bring this packaging to our first lesson next week.

I also want you to do some research on GLOBAL WARMING, so you will need to find the answers to the following questions (there are hyper-links included, but feel free to find out more):
1) What is Global Warming?
2) How is Global Warming caused by humans?
3) What is the difference between the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming?
Summarise the for and against arguments for Human caused Global Warming. Explain where you stand in the global warming debate.

Come with YOUR answers in our first lesson next week, DON'T come to class with printed off answers or copied and pasted work that you can't call your own.

Have fun

Mr K


  1. do we only have to bring one food packet?
    lol i only asked because you felt lonely having no comments on the homework :P

  2. hi mr knapton thanks for the great homework
    cant wait to do it (not that i havent already done it)

  3. hey. libby is cool. um do u have 2 do ALL the food u eat in a week? or just the cans? lyk um... dont bring the food just lyyk record it in someway u no? um yea im a bit confused lol :)

  4. i reckon it's quite dissapointing that your not replying mr knapton, oh and is it alright if i like cut off the bits off packets tht say where they are made and stick them in my book, lol i've sort've already done it but i thought i would check anyway.

  5. Seriously, I tried to reply at school but the internet was having a nap in my office. Just cut out the labels and bring in wrappers (not rappers, that would be hideous), empty packets of food, even the stick labels on fruit! The more the merrier.

  6. don't you mean a "knap" in your office ? hahahahah good one ae

  7. do we have to do the extension, i really wanna go to the beach today

  8. question no.3 is confusing and pointless, the link you gave us sends us to yahoo answers which is unpredictable cuz there is like 7 completely different answers.

  9. i bet amber wrote that ^^

  10. We have homework??????

  11. The Extension bit is confuzing coz if you go to the link its only against arguments.....

  12. ^^^^That says 11:25PM but its not 11:25^^^^
