Tuesday, March 2, 2010

10G Mr Knapton: How big is your carbon footprint?

How many kilos of Carbon does your home emit in a month? Who is the most green in 10G? Who has a carbon footprint of a giant?

Check out this site and calculate your footprint. You will have to ask your folks for approximate costs / petrol usage and maybe look at some power bills too.

Where do you fit into the wall of shame?

Due 1st lesson next week.


  1. Your total household emissions are 401.34kg CO2-e

    im not sure if i did it right though and im only posting it here cos i cant be bothered writing it in my book lol . but i feel so guilty that's quite a lot of pollution.

  2. mines in my book, cant remember it.

  3. total CO2-e emissions for this month is 802.18 kg.

    its a lot more than lucy :(

    91% of our familys carbon emissions comes from our cars. mabey we could reduce it by walking more and stuff

    -Libby :)

  4. That interesting folks mine is 268.50kg CO2-e
    for one month. 104.01kg a month? Do you live in a tent?

  5. Mine is 415.60kg CO2-e but in think i might have done it wrong.

    I didnt know how to get the electricity bit so i think mines stuffed up.

    ~Gracie :D

  6. y is everyones so high? mine is only 267 did i do it wrong?

  7. iamamazinglyawesomeMarch 7, 2010 at 11:52 PM

    Mine is, 370.97kg CO2-e. but thats talking into account a famaily of five, busing into school most days, two family vehicles and two work vehicles. so its pretty good.
    lol its better per person than amber =] lol sorry amber :)

