Wednesday, May 11, 2011

11 Economics - Ms McGlade

Page 199 in workbook

Complete Cost benefit Analysis for at least 4 choices (remember what the Council's priorities are - in book)
Column 1:

A Statement about Benefits outweighing Costs (or vice-versa)and mention some of those benefits & costs

Column 2:
Now you justify those benefits & Costs (say why you gave them the weightings - remember the priorities

Monday, May 9, 2011

11 Accounting - Ms McGlade

Study for Financial Statement Tests - Income Statements for Service & Trading firms

11 Economics - Ms McGlade

Learning Workbook - page 197 - Questions 1-3 - Options & Compromises in Decision Making - Practice for Internal

13 Economics - Ms McGlade

Study for practice Test - 3.1 Marginal Analysis

12 Economics - Ms McGlade

Study for Practice Test - 2.1 Inflation

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Year 13Geo: Mr K and Mr Parr

Students are expected to revise for their practise exam in week 4.

Mr K

Year 12 Geo: Mr K and Mr Parr

Students are expected to revise their practice exam questions for week 4 practice exam.

Mr K

Year 11 Geo Mr K and Mr J

Studnets are revising their practice exam questions for their practice exam in week 4. Then its time to start your INTERNAL!

Mr K