Saturday, March 5, 2011

11 GEO: Mr Knapton and Mr Johnson

You are to complete your reflective journal on the research you did in New Plymouth last Friday. You have a copy of what is being asked for in your plastic wallet. You have two weeks to complete the internal assessment and submit by the end of week 7.

Reflective record:

In this record you must reflect by writing about your research.

There are two important concepts here that you must discuss, these are RELIABILITY of your DATA and VALIDITY of your CONCLUSIONS.

12 Geography: Mr Knapton

Mind mapping: You will be asked to MAP out all you have studied about TECTONIC / CLIMATIC and EROSION and WEATHERING. You mind map should show diagrams / key terms / specific detail and explain the process and what landforms have been created as a result of the processes. This is DUE on FRIDAY p 3.

Mr K

Year 13: Geography Mr Knapton

Tombolo assessment: You have till WEDNESDAY to complete the assessment. This is the day you will be filmed talking about your presentation as a group, any member of the group will be asked to talk. The homework is to get it completed!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

10 Business Studies

Friday 11
General Knowledge Research sheet - complete by Tuesday 15

11 Accounting

Complete all four transactions in the Accounting equation for QuickSmart Consultancy before class Friday