Monday, February 28, 2011

9N: Miss Willy Wednesday

Research the current event. Use the handout as a guide. Due Wednesday.

13 History Miss Willy

Research for your essay: Monday

12 HISTORY: Miss Willy

Research for your essay on Vietnam.

10G Miss Willy

Continue to do research for your essay, mostly Maori and contact with europeans.

Year 9 E / F / R Mr Johnson

Read article and describe how an earthquake works.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

yr 12 Geography: Mr Knapton


Year 12 Geography students, you need to complete your note taking on the Spatial Variation of landforms in the TVC. This means HOW (how are they found? Patterns etc... You will need a MAP) and WHY (why are they found here, in this way?). You will need to complete the notes and then revise for the exam question on the Spatial vavriation of landforms that you attempted a couple of weeks ago. Good luck any issues see me. Mr K

Thursday, February 17, 2011

13 Economics

Complete questions from A2.2 - marginal utility, total utility, law of diminishing marginal utility - complete by Monday 21 February

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

11 Economics

Personal Resources/Means

Complete page 10 in Workbook (already covered in class)

Must be completed by Thursday Feb 17

10 Business Studies

Identify 2 of each of the following Business types

service firms (produces service)

trading firms (produces good)

Describe what activities they are involved in.

Must be completed by Friday 18 February

11 Accounting

Identify from yellow pages or internet an example in New Plymouth of

Sole Trader

Monday, February 14, 2011

9E , 9R and 9 F: Mr Johnston

Youtube video: watch and describe the relief rainfall process.


11 HISTORY: Miss Willy

Finish KKK summary and two paragraphs about KKK and whote citizen council.

12 HISTORY: Miss Willy

Finish Diem worksheet today.

10G : Miss Willy

Researching a battle between Indians and white settlers- Due first social studies lesson next week.

10F: Whaea Tapakione

Students should have completed their title page / concepts of conflict and possible resolution.

Students input how they thought the west was won- write in homework books "my ideas on how the west was won". Due period 4 on the 15th Feb.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Year 11 Geo: Mr Knapton

For the 9 Cultural and Natural factors that made places in SE ASIA more vulnerable to the Tsunami, draw labelled diagrams to illustrate each of these points. My NEXT LESSON!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mr Whyte 11 History

Complete overview activity on black civil rights. Due on Mondays lesson.

10G Miss Willy

Waiangi day worksheet. Due next Monday.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

11 Geo Mr Knapton and Mr Johnson

Students have been asked to create a RECIPE for a TSUNAMI. This could be an instruction manual / recipe style writing. It has to show the reader a logical sequence of how to create a TSUNAMI. Including ingredients > sequence of how the ingredients are used > processes > some examples of effects. Due end of week 3.

10 N Mr Knapton

Students have been asked to find / research 5 examples from recent history or in the past of EXAMPLES where human rights have been broken. Due first lesson in week 3.

yr 12 Geo Mr Knapton

Students have been asked to revise and practice their MAP showing the spatial variation of landforms in the TVC. They will be tested on this on 10th Feb and will have to show all appropriate mapping ocnventions.

Yr 13 Geo Mr Knapton

Students have been asked to revise and practice their MAP showing the location of different geographical PHENOMENON in the Mount Maunganui area.The test is on Thurasday the 10th Feb and their map should show all APPROPRIATE MAPPING CONVENTIONS.