Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jordan's Video

Here is Jordan's video about Sweatshops. A good listen.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lucy and Tegan's Assessment

At last!
You wont believe how long it has taken me to format the original copy into a lower quality version that is small enough to be uploaded onto Youtube and then this blog. However, its here and a really neat example of how taking assessment criteria, knowledge and the Key Competencies Skills of Imagination, Collaboration and Reasoning, two students were able to make something quite astounding.

Here is the speech, sorry for the sound quality as I couldn't move away from the power outlet as the battery was flat, doh!

Here is an AWESOME website which the students self taught themselves how to create a wesite, and used the assessment criteria along with imagination / collaboration and reasoning.

Thanks Mr K

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Year 12 Geo: Mr Knapton

Homework: Questions 1-8 on the handout for next Friday. Ta

10G Homework

Ah yes, you are possibly all typing away frantically to get your questionnaires completed by tomorrow. Just a reminder that they are due tomorrow!

Mr K