Saturday, November 28, 2009

Activity Week


Today the Driving Expo is CANCELLED. In the computer room you will be asked to do the following:

- Design your own 'scavenger hunt'. This could be on anything and here is a example YOU WILL need to learn how to HYPERLINK to do this!!!
- You need to have a minimum of 20 questions.
- You need to create a ANSWER sheet.
- You need to create the correct HYPERLINKS.
- You need to make your word document visually appealing. So you will need to consider borders , colours , background etc...

Good luck.

Social Sciences.

Monday, May 11, 2009

watch this

'China's One Child Policy – Is it working? Is it fair? Is it absolute? Mr WHYTE yr 11

Purpose of the enquiry
1) To gain an up to date view of this emotional and controversial subject;
2) Use the Internet to access a range of websites on China's One Child Policy that provide particular points of view and that update the original policy.
3) To construct a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of suitable downloaded images and information that critically examines the policy.
4) Provide students with important case study material for NCEA


Using the information provided below complete each of the three tasks by accessing a new, blank PowerPoint presentation

2 - 3 slides- ‘Why it makes sense to only have one child.’

Design a slide to be used as part of an advertising campaign by the Chinese government. The slide explains why Chinese families should have only one child. The slide will be shown on Chinese TV, please use downloaded images from websites, animation and textboxes to build a strong and convincing case.

2 – 3 slides- ‘The benefits of China’s one-child policy.’

The second slide has also been requested by the Chinese government. This identifies the benefits to the country of having introduced the one-child policy. Adopt a similar approach to that used when you compiled the previous slide. Any statements made need to be backed up by statistics in order to be effective.

2-3 slides- ‘China’s one child policy is a failure.’

You are part of a human rights campaign group that is opposed to China’s one-child policy. Design a slide that is critical of the policy. Each point made needs to be written as a short news paper article with an eye-catching bold type heading, followed by a short paragraph providing the detail together with the source of the report. This slide will be used by your organisation to demonstrate its opposition to the policy. Remember to make your slide as eye-catching and thought provoking as possible.

2-3 slides – ‘A summary of the arguments for and against and the balance of evidence’

Here are some useful sites:

Some useful background info and videos about the policy. Here is some more background info...
Recent article some problems with the policy. Has the one child policy worked?.

Some negative effects of the policy. There is more information and videos on youtube about the one child policy.

Some positve effects of the policy, you need to look around, there are some!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Year 11 Geographers

Hi there,

In the next 2 weeks your teachers will be writing reports about your attitude and abilities in the subjects you take. In Geography, you have all but finished Tropical Cyclones (Cyclone Heta) and Volcanic Eruptions, both of which are EXTREME NATURAL EVENTS. This week Mr Knapton's class will have an end of unit test on Thursday and Mr Whyte's class on Friday.

For homework you are to revise your notes and practice previous exam questions from the last 5 years, you will have to look at the following website for this (click here) and the 90202 Examination Papers

Good luck!
Mr Knapton

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Year 13 Hydrological Pocesses


At the moment we are looking at HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES affecting the Mount Maunganui Coastline. We have been looking at CLIMATOLOGICAL PROCESSES (the formation of Depressions) and the affect they have on the formation of waves and prevailing wind.

We have looked at Wave Refraction in class, this can explan why the swell will approach the coast at Mount Maunganui at right angles to the coast. Your task is to look at LOCAL WAVE REFRACTION using the links below and explain how wave refraction affects the COASTLINE at Mount Maunganui. You must annotate the photograph (on T:Drive) and use selected images from the websites below to explain the effects of wave refraction at the MMGN coastline.

Wave refraction

more wave refraction

even more wave refraction

Now you have Wave Refraction sorted you may realise it causes WAVE EROSION especially when wave energy is focussed on the HEADLANDS / Mt Maoao. Look at the link below and make notes on Types of Wave erosion.

Wave erosion

As you might realise, the same /similar types of erosion in rivers happen in the sea!!

Finally, what different waves are there? What is the difference between these two types of waves and when do these waves tend to occur in Mount Maunganui? Answer these question, drawing annotated diagrams using the links below.

Destructive and Constructive waves

The difference between destructive and constructive waves.

Good work folks!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Hello and welcome to the Spotswood College Social Sciences Faculty blog (that a bit of a mouthful!).

We hope that both sudents and parents / caregivers can use this blog to support and enhance learning that takes place in the classroom. Whether that be finding out the homework you were supposed to do but completely forgot about OR using the blog helping your child in their studies, we hope you find this resource useful.

Here's to a great academic year!

Martyn Knapton
(Assitant Head of Faculty)