Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hi folks,

You are doing the internal of 'affluenza', a good set of videos about this topic and our desire and need to have and want is 'status anxiety'. It's a series of films (and a book) by Alain De Boitton, give it a go and watch at least the first 2 of them.

Good luck

Mr Knapton

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Year 13 GEO: Homework till end of term ONE

Hi folks,

Your homework till the end of the term:

1. Complete your presentation on Temporal Variations of Natural Processes, the Assessment Criteria is below:

Analyse the temporal variation of natural processes in the context of a geographic environment.
Analyse the temporal variation of natural processes, in detail, in the context of a geographic environment.
Comprehensively the temporal variation of natural processes in the context of a geographic environment.

2. Get feedback from your Human modifications exam Q and study to complete it for a second time! You will have an Practice Exam period in the last week of term.

Mr K

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Year 13 Geography

Your Homework...

Watch this video about waves refraction

Watch this about the formation of waves

What types of waves do you get around the Headlands of Moturiki and Mauao?
What types of waves do you get around the Main beach?
How is wave refraction responsible for this?

Future learning:

Watch and make notes on these videos:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Page number


6: Jobs in an airport

Some examples of jobs

7+ 8: Check in Agent

Some of the difficulties of check in agent

9: Flight attendants

13: Tour manager

15: Jobs on a cruise ship

16: Hotel chains

21: operations manager

22: Huka Jet

24: Bartender

24: Waiter

25: Maitre’D

25: Souvenir shops NZ

31: Travel agent manager

34-37: Travel wholesaler


Work Roles in Tourism

Well, congratulations for getting this far in the course, if you are reading this in week 4 of term 1 you are ahead of schedule! You are completing your work roles in Tourism workbook, it's a little harder than the last one and will require you to do more research.
Here are some videos that relate to work roles in tourism:

Working on cruise ships

Roles in transportation

Roles in Tourism

Roles in Tour guiding

Roles in Customs

Roles in conferences and events

Roles in Tourist attractions

Role of flight attendant

Role of travel agent

Personal presentation

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Year 13's it is SOOOOO important to get your graphs presented, here is a video to make your grahs using excel.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

11 Economics - Ms McGlade

Page 199 in workbook

Complete Cost benefit Analysis for at least 4 choices (remember what the Council's priorities are - in book)
Column 1:

A Statement about Benefits outweighing Costs (or vice-versa)and mention some of those benefits & costs

Column 2:
Now you justify those benefits & Costs (say why you gave them the weightings - remember the priorities

Monday, May 9, 2011

11 Accounting - Ms McGlade

Study for Financial Statement Tests - Income Statements for Service & Trading firms

11 Economics - Ms McGlade

Learning Workbook - page 197 - Questions 1-3 - Options & Compromises in Decision Making - Practice for Internal

13 Economics - Ms McGlade

Study for practice Test - 3.1 Marginal Analysis

12 Economics - Ms McGlade

Study for Practice Test - 2.1 Inflation

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Year 13Geo: Mr K and Mr Parr

Students are expected to revise for their practise exam in week 4.

Mr K

Year 12 Geo: Mr K and Mr Parr

Students are expected to revise their practice exam questions for week 4 practice exam.

Mr K

Year 11 Geo Mr K and Mr J

Studnets are revising their practice exam questions for their practice exam in week 4. Then its time to start your INTERNAL!

Mr K

Saturday, March 5, 2011

11 GEO: Mr Knapton and Mr Johnson

You are to complete your reflective journal on the research you did in New Plymouth last Friday. You have a copy of what is being asked for in your plastic wallet. You have two weeks to complete the internal assessment and submit by the end of week 7.

Reflective record:

In this record you must reflect by writing about your research.

There are two important concepts here that you must discuss, these are RELIABILITY of your DATA and VALIDITY of your CONCLUSIONS.